GIA certificate is currently the most authoritative international diamond grade determination certificate, in addition to the common ordinary diamond certificate, GIA also has a fancy colored diamond certificate, through the GIA fancy colored diamond certificate can clearly see the relevant fancy colored diamond grade parameters, but you know how to read the GIA fancy colored diamond certificate? The following is the most comprehensive Chinese interpretation of the GIA Fancy Color Diamond Certificate.

GIA (Gemological Institute of America) is currently the most credible international diamond appraisal certificate, and the grade determination is recognized by the international diamond industry and widely accepted by most consumers in the market. The GIA fancy colored diamond certificate contains the most detailed information about fancy colored diamonds, such as fancy colored diamond grading information, fancy colored diamond reference chart, fancy colored diamond size chart, fancy colored diamond code, etc. We can learn more about the above GIA fancy colored diamond certificate.
GIA Fancy Color Diamond Certificate Part I: Basic Information on Fancy Color Diamonds

1.September 26,2017: This refers to the GIA Fancy Color Diamond Certificate printing date, which is shown in the example above, the printing date of this certificate is September 26, 2017.
2. Report Type: Grading Repor
GIA Report Number: refers to the unique number of colored diamonds, you can get the information of this diamond by checking this laser code online, the number of the colored diamond in the sample picture is 2185584383.
4. Shape and Cutting Style: refers to the cut shape of the fancy colored diamond, the cut shape of the fancy colored diamond in the sample picture is Cushion Mixed Cut; among the cut shapes of fancy colored diamonds, in addition to cushion type, the more common are round, oval, Radian shape, Ascher shape, horse eye shape, princess square cut shape, emerald shape, pear shape, heart shape.

Measurements (size): The length x width x height of the color diamonds in the sample picture is 7.84 x 7.47 x 4.52 mm.
GIA Fancy Color Diamond Certificate Part II: Fancy Color Diamond Grading Information

- Carat Weight: The weight of a diamond is measured in carats, 1 carat = 0.2 grams, GIA calculates the carat weight to 2 decimal places, according to the example chart, the weight of this fancy colored diamond is 2.37 carats.
- Color Grade: The color of a fancy colored diamond is described in 2 parts, the first part describes the intensity of the color and is divided into nine grades
Very light
Fancy light
Fancy dark
Fancy intense
Fancy deep`
Fancy vivid

The second part describes the color of the diamond.
Yellow Yellow
Red Red
Green Green
Violet Indigo
A colored diamond can also be found in shades other than its own color:
Bluish Green Green with a blue tinge
Reddish Orange
Blue-Green Blue-Green
Yellowish Orange Orange with Yellow .....
The description can be combined as follows: first part (intensity) + second part (optional secondary color + self-color), as in the example picture of a fancy colored diamond with a color grade of Fancy Yellow - medium fancy yellow diamond.
The GIA divides fancy colored diamonds into 27 shades in detail, spelled out as a continuous ring of shades. These 27 hues, which get their "red" from the plus 12 point, essentially encompass all the hues of fancy colored diamonds known to date and form the core part of the color grading terminology framework.

Clockwise from the picture: red, red-orange, light red-orange, orange, light yellow-orange, yellow-orange, orange-yellow, light orange-yellow, yellow, light green-yellow, green-yellow, yellow-green, light yellow-green, green, light blue-green, blue-green, green-blue, light green-blue, blue, light purple-blue, light blue-purple, purple, light red-purple, red-purple, purple-red and light purple-red
3. Color Origin: There are many possibilities as to the origin of the color of a fancy colored diamond
Artificially Irradiated
HPHT processed High Temperature High Pressure Treatment
Undetermined Unable to determine the origin of the color
The color source of the fancy colored diamond in the example is Natural - the highest level.
Color Distribution.
Even means evenly distributed
Uneven means the distribution is not uniform
Not Applicable means that this item is not applicable to this diamond
According to the sample chart, the color grade of this yellow diamond reached a uniform medium color yellow grade.
Clarity Grade: Clarity is the relative degree of a diamond's clarity characteristics as observed by a trained diamond grader with normal eyesight under a 10x magnifying glass, from absent to present. Inclusions in a diamond include inclusions, cloudy inclusions and cracks, etc. The fewer the inclusions, the higher the clarity grade, the rarer the diamond and the higher the value.

According to the example chart, the clarity of this fancy colored diamond is of the higher VS2 grade, i.e. tiny inclusions that are not visible to the naked eye.
GIA Fancy Color Diamond Certificate Part III: Fancy Color Diamond Modification

1.Proportions : the proportion of diamond cut, diamond value measurement of the 4c standards, the only cut is directly affected by man, the excellent degree of cut directly affects the diamond out of fire, sparkling.
2. Polish : polishing will increase the brightness of the diamond. But there are some diamonds with natural characteristics, such as the original crystal surface, etc., can not be polished off. So if it is such a natural situation, do not be too demanding on polishing.
3. Symmetry : symmetry is a diamond left and right cut is symmetrical, because all diamonds have the largest and smallest diameter, all no diamond is completely symmetrical.
Judgment of the diamond surface polishing and symmetry of the good and bad state, identification certificate is to Excellent, Very Good , Good, Fair, Poor to mark. According to the sample certificate, the polish of this colored diamond is Very Good - very good, and the symmetry is Good - good.
4. Fluorescence : Fluorescence is a natural property of diamonds, the color and intensity of fluorescence will have a certain impact on the appearance of the diamond, especially the body color, and sometimes even affect the price of the diamond, but blue fluorescence for fancy colored diamonds in certain environments will increase the brightness of the color and make it more vivid.
Very strong

According to the example certificate, this fancy colored diamond has a fluorescence of None - no fluorescence.
Comments: All flaws that affect the clarity rating are written in the Comments. For example, some inclusions are generally found inside the diamond, such as
feather - feathery veins
cloud - cloud-like material
internal graining
surface graining - external graining
According to the sample diagram, the internal notes of this fancy colored diamond are: Additional clouds, additional pinpoints and additional extra facets are not shown.
GIA Fancy Color Diamond Certificate: Clarity Characteristics (Inclusions)

The various characteristics of a diamond are indicated by symbols on the chart, next to the Key to Symbols, which represent clarity.
Extra Facet
Needle Pinpoint Inclusion
According to the illustration, this fancy colored diamond contains a few pips, inclusions, crystals, etc.
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